Source code for sparsereg.util

from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter

import numpy as np
from sklearn.exceptions import FitFailedWarning
from sklearn.linear_model.base import LinearModel

[docs]def dominates(a, b): return all(ai <= bi for ai, bi in zip(a, b)) and not a == b
def _get_fit(m, attrs): if attrs: get_fit = attrgetter(*attrs) elif isinstance(next(iter(m)), tuple): get_fit = lambda x: x else: raise ValueError("No attributes given") return get_fit def _pareto_front(models, *attrs): """Helper function. Performs simple cull algorithm""" get_fit = _get_fit(models, attrs) front = set() for m in models: dominated = set() for f in front: fitf = get_fit(f) fitm = get_fit(m) if dominates(fitm, fitf): dominated.add(f) elif dominates(fitf, fitm): break else: front.add(m) front -= dominated return sorted(front, key=get_fit)
[docs]def pareto_front(models, *attrs, all=False): """ Simple cull. Can recursively determine all fronts. """ if not all: return _pareto_front(models, *attrs) else: fronts = [] models = set(models) while models: fronts.append(_pareto_front(models, *attrs)) models -= set(fronts[-1]) return fronts
[docs]def crowding_distance(models, *attrs): """ Assumes models in lexicographical sorted. """ get_fit = _get_fit(models, attrs) f = np.array(sorted([get_fit(m) for m in models])) scale = np.max(f, axis=0) - np.min(f, axis=0) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): dist = np.sum(abs(np.roll(f, 1, axis=0) - np.roll(f, -1, axis=0)) / scale, axis=1) dist[0] = np.infty dist[-1] = np.infty return dist
[docs]def sort_non_dominated(models, *attrs, index=False): """ NSGA2 based sorting """ fronts = pareto_front(list(models), *attrs, all=True) distances = [ crowding_distance(front, *attrs) for front in fronts ] # if len(front) > 2 else list(np.zeros_like(front)) # fd = (list of models, list of distances) # convert that into (model, distance) tuples # sort in descending order by distance # resolve the nested chain ranked = chain.from_iterable(sorted(zip(*fd), key=lambda x: x[1]) for fd in zip(fronts, distances)) ranked = [m for (m, d) in ranked] # discard the distance if not index: return ranked else: ind = models.index return [ind(r) for r in ranked]
[docs]def normalize(x, order=2): m = 1.0 / np.linalg.norm(x, ord=order, axis=0) return m * x, m
[docs]def cardinality(x, null=1e-9): return sum(map(lambda x: abs(x) >= null, x))
[docs]def rmse(x): return np.sqrt(np.mean(x ** 2))
[docs]def nrmse(x, y): scale = max(y) - min(y) or 1.0 return rmse(x - y) / scale
[docs]class ReducedLinearModel(LinearModel): def __init__(self, mask, lm): self.mask = mask self.lm = lm
[docs] def fit(self, x, y): mask = self.mask if not x.shape[1] == mask.shape[0]: raise FitFailedWarning self.lm =[:, mask], y) self.coef_ = np.zeros(shape=mask.shape) self.coef_[mask] = self.lm.coef_ return self
[docs] def predict(self, x): return self.lm.predict(x[:, self.mask])
[docs] def scores(self, x, y): return self.lm.scores(x[:, self.mask], y)
[docs]def aic(residuals, k, correct=False): """Akaike information criterion""" n = len(residuals) correction = 2 * (k + 1) * k / (n - k - 1) if correct else 0 return n * np.log(np.var(residuals)) + 2 * k + correction